![]() March 5, 2024, ECIA Newsletter
ECIA Executive Conference Planning Subcommittees Finalized
Many thanks to our subcommittee members! Speaker Vetting Subcommittee Members: Sponsorship Subcommittee Members: The ECIA Executive Conference is a senior management level conference for the electronic industry's leading companies - representing the entire supply chain. The dates for the 2024 Executive Conference event are October 20-22 at the Loews Chicago O'Hare Hotel. EDS 2024 Orientation WebinarHave you registered for the EDS webinar? With a brand-new venue for EDS 2024, we are all first timers. Join the EDS + Resorts World Better Together Orientation Webinar - live on Zoom, Friday, March 15 at 11am EST. ECIA Welcomes Many New Members Eight component manufacturers, three distributors and five manufacturers’ reps join the growing member list. ECIA is pleased to welcome the following companies that have recently joined the association: new distributor members are Amar Radio Corporation, Anglia Components Plc, and WireMasters. New component manufacturer members are Dantona Industries, EDAC Inc, Epson America, Inc. (MicroDevices Division), Isabellenhuette USA, Jones Tech USA, SCHURTER Inc., Soracom, and Spectrum Control. New manufacturers’ representative members are Blair Electra Southwest, Cascade Sales, Eclipse Technologies Inc, Fusion Technical Sales, and Northport Engineering. ECIA Research and AnalysisECIA offers its members insight into the industry and a variety of market trends information. Members can log into the website and visit the Stats & Insights page to access an increasing number of statistical reports. Some are available to the public, some to members and others are only accessible to those who participate in the survey. Recent reports:
Visit the stats and insights drop down menu on our website for more information. Member of the WeekEclipse Technologies is our Member of the Week! This manufacturer's rep firm has a clear mission driving its success. Their goals are summed up in one simple statement: The success of a new design depends on the talent and dedication of the people who bring the project to life. People, Leading Technologies and Results. That's their driving force. Congratulations to Eclipse Technologies! Contact Info: Electronic Components Industry Association 310 Maxwell Road, Suite 200, Alpharetta, GA 30009 678.393.9990