![]() November 15, 2023, ECIA Newsletter
Upcoming Webinar
Electronics Components: 2023 Year in Review and a Look Ahead in 2024 Thursday | December 7 | 2:00 PM Eastern | Register Today Join us for this virtual meeting covering "Electronics Components: 2023 Year in Review and a Look Ahead in 2024." Come with questions for ECIA's Dale Ford, Chief Analyst! This virtual meeting is intended to be conversational and an open space for questions! We will review:
EDS Early Bird RegistrationIt is time to start thinking about EDS 2024, which will take place at the Mirage, Las Vegas from May 13-17, 2024! Early Bird space registration is now open, which will allow your company to lock in 2023 pricing before the increases on January 1, 2024. If you have had space at EDS in the last few years or if you submitted an Early Space Reservation form after EDS 2023, you should have received an email in the past week with details on how to secure your space. If you are interested in new space for EDS 2024, please contact [email protected] for more information. As always, please check the EDS website for up-to-date information about the event and we look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas. 2024 ECIA FIRST Robotics Fundraising Campaign
In 2023, our members raised $1.6 million for FIRST Robotics! Congratulations on this fantastic accomplishment. For 2024, our goal is to surpass this amount. Make your donation today and help support future generations and communities in STEM education! Please see the following for more information and inspiration about FIRST: ECIA Research and AnalysisECIA offers its members insight into the industry and a variety of market trends information. Members can log into the website and visit the Stats & Insights page to access an increasing number of statistical reports. Some are available to the public, some to members and others are only accessible to those who participate in the survey. Recent reports:
Visit the stats and insights drop down menu on our website for more information. Member of the WeekWe are pleased to honor World Micro as our Member of the Week! World Micro, founded in 1994, is a leading franchised distributor that provides unique solutions to customers’ complex and ever-changing requirements. Their vast product offering allows us to serve a diverse customer-base in a multitude of industries, from Commercial/Industrial to Aerospace and Defense markets. World Micro focuses on delivering superior quality in both customer service and material quality and is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in its industry. ECIA thanks the World Micro team, especially Dan Ellsworth and Bettina Clark, for the years of membership and strong support of the Executive Conference. Contact Info: Electronic Components Industry Association 310 Maxwell Road, Suite 200, Alpharetta, GA 30009 678.393.9990