![]() July 26, 2023, ECIA Newsletter
A Few Sponsorships Left for the Executive Conference! The ECIA Executive Conference is a senior management level conference for the electronics industry's leading companies - representing the entire supply chain. The dates for the 2023 Executive Conference event are October 22-24 at the Loews Chicago O'Hare Hotel. There's still time to sponsor! Take a look at a few sponsorships available:
See our growing list of sponsors! View the sponsorship brochure and form. Register today for the early registration discount! ECIA Research and AnalysisECIA offers its members insight into the industry and a variety of market trends information. Members can log into the website and visit the Stats & Insights page to access an increasing number of statistical reports. Some are available to the public, some to members and others are only accessible to those who participate in the survey. Reports available:
Visit the stats and insights drop down menu on our website for more information.
ECIA Executive Conference Committee Announces Global Economic Forecast SessionCliff Waldman’s Global Economic Forecast Session will be on Tuesday With expected attendance at record levels, the ECIA Executive Conference Committee urges attendees to make reservations now to ensure a seat at the conference. This year Cliff Waldman’s very popular Global Economic Update, will be on Tuesday morning at 10:00 am. A highly rated speaker at past ECIA conferences, Cliff Waldman is a rising voice in the D.C. policy research community. Cliff has made appearances at events on Capitol Hill and in major think tanks. He is the host of Manufacturing Talk Radio’s “Cliff Notes on the Global Manufacturing Picture." Cliff has served two years as Chairman of the Board of the National Economists Club. In 2019, he served as co-chair of the National Association for Business Economics (NABE) manufacturing roundtable. In 2018, he was awarded the Certified Business Economist (CBE) designation by NABE. He received his M.A. in economics from Rutgers University. ECIA’s GIPC Publishes Cyber Security Guidance Document“Managing Cyber Security for International Operations,” includes four key issues for executives with international responsibilities. ECIA members, electronic component manufacturers and distributors who have international operations, face a broad spectrum of cyber risks that could potentially impact their business operations. These risks can be more complex and challenging due to their international scope. In response to these concerns, ECIA’s Global Industry Practices Committee (GIPC) has published a guidance document, prepared as the result of a cooperative effort between electronic component manufacturers and their authorized distributors. Stay Connected with ECIA!Are you following ECIA on social media? Don't miss out! Be sure to follow ECIA on LinkedIn! While the newsletter is a great way to stay connected with ECIA, LinkedIn is the fastest way to get important updates and industry news from ECIA! Member of the Week ECIA is pleased to honor Avnet as our Member of the Week. Avnet helps innovators turn good ideas into great products. They adapted to wave after wave of technological change to provide the engineering and supply chain expertise that customers need to accelerate, scale and extend the lifecycle of their designs. From getting sample parts and product shipments where and when they’re needed to solving the most complex design and supply chain challenges, Avnet has the expertise, equipment and global capabilities to help deliver what’s next. Between their membership in NEDA and ECIA they have been part of the association for 61 years. ECIA appreciates the years of loyalty. ECIA thanks Phil Gallagher for his long-time support as well as Dayna Badhorn, Marco Gonzalez and Eileen Harduck for service on the ECIA board, councils and the GIPC. Contact Info: Electronic Components Industry Association 310 Maxwell Road, Suite 200, Alpharetta, GA 30009 678.393.9990