![]() May 10, 2023, ECIA Newsletter
Visit ECIA at EDS for Your NEW Member Pin!EDS is less than a week away! We will see you May 16-19! EDS is more than just one week of meetings. It is year-round matchmaking and planning activity that culminates in Las Vegas at the EDS Summit. If you’ve never been to EDS, then you’ve been missing out on some amazing opportunities. EDS is a combination of scheduled, one-on-one meetings, educational programs and networking opportunities to maximize success. Visit us at Booth 100 in the ballroom and pick up your NEW member pin! Webinar: Macroeconomics II – Commodity and Input PricesWednesday | May 10 | 2:00 PM Eastern | Register Today In a partnership with the Association Education Alliance (AEA), ECIA is happy to invite you to part II of this webinar. Volatile commodity prices made it difficult for the distribution community to predict input costs and manage budgets since the start of the pandemic. The fallout of this volatility included squeezed margins and pressured profitability for distributors across a spectrum of industries. The slowing macro economy reflects a pivotal change from the aggressive pace of business in 2021 and early 2022, with many commodities declining in price. In this episode, Alex Chausovsky will explore the factors that drive commodity and input prices. He will also discuss the current and likely future trajectory of commodities and other input costs and provide guidance on what distribution leaders need to do now to prepare their business for what’s to come. Webinar: Preventing Shipments to Russia and Other Bad ActorsThursday | May 25 | 1:30 PM Eastern | Register Today Please join us at 1:30pm EDT May 25th for a webinar with Matt Axelrod, Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement with the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). This is a “Can’t Miss” event as Mr. Axelrod will be sharing the latest intelligence on tactics used by Russia to subvert US export controls on electronic components to support their missile and UAV programs in support of their unprovoked and unlawful invasion of Ukraine. BIS has identified U.S.-origin or branded electronics recovered from the Ukrainian battlefield that Russia is reliant upon. BIS is working collectively with partners across the globe like ECIA to highlight these HS-9 codes to industry and ask that exporters place extra scrutiny on their customers to prevent diversion through third countries to Russia. BIS will highlight specific red flags for ECIA companies to look for potential diversion activity.
ECIA Announces Second Keynote Speaker to Close Day 1
The ECIA Executive Conference Committee is pleased to name Ben Nemtin as the second keynote speaker to close day 1 of the 2023 Executive Conference. Ben Nemtin is the author of What Do You Want to Do Before You Die? and a star of MTV’s highest rated show on iTunes and Amazon called The Buried Life. As the co-founder of The Buried Life movement, Ben’s message of radical possibility has been featured on The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, FOX, and NBC News. President Obama called Ben and The Buried Life ‘inspiration for a new generation’ and Oprah declared its mission ‘truly inspiring.’ ECIA GIPC Explores ESGThe Global Industry Practices Committee (GIPC) has launched an initiative to research and report on industry resources pertaining to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) programs. The GIPC will concentrate its efforts on the “E” in ESG where many of these new priorities are being worked on within the Environmental SME (Subject Matter Expert) work group. ECIA member companies are at various stages in the development of their ESG programs and this GIPC initiative will research options and work with members to share information and resources about this rapidly evolving arena. Two ECIA member companies are at the forefront of the ESG effort; the GIPC is fortunate to have as Subject Matter Experts RS Group’s Andrea Barrett, VP Social Responsibility and Sustainability and Avnet’s Stacy Mendez, Director ESG and Corporate Strategic Planning. Top 50 Distributors of 2022 Report Published
This year’s Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors Report is now available for download. This comprehensive and highly anticipated annual analysis is authored by ECIA Chief Analyst Dale Ford and published by Electronics Sourcing North America. The report is derived from detailed surveys, extensive analysis of company data, and interviews with company executives. The report includes frank and thoughtful discussions from the industry’s leading executives about the future direction of the industry. Topics covered include supply chain technology breakthroughs, the industry’s response to the global environmental crisis, important new initiatives in ESG, such as the pressure to determine and report the carbon footprint of components, the effect of ‘nearshoring’ and ‘friend shoring’ on the global supply chain, the likely impact of advances in artificial intelligence on the industry, and much more. The industry is evolving rapidly, and this report, based on the comments from executive leadership of the Top 50 Americas Authorized Distributors, is a must-read for anyone navigating the increasingly choppy waters of the electronic component channel. ECIA Research and AnalysisECIA offers its members insight into the industry and a variety of market trends information. Members can log into the website and visit the Stats & Insights page to access an increasing number of statistical reports. Some are available to the public, some to members and others are only accessible to those who participate in the survey. Reports include:
Visit the stats and insights drop down menu on our website for more information. Member of the Week
ECIA is pleased to honor Vishay as our member of the week. The Vishay journey began with one man, Dr. Felix Zandman, and a revolutionary technology. From there we would grow and strengthen over decades, arriving where we are today: one of the world’s most trusted manufacturers of electronic components. From discrete semiconductors to passive components; from the smallest diode to the most powerful capacitor, Vishay’s breadth of products is the very foundation that brings modern technology to life, every day, for everyone. Vishay is well-positioned to propel such timely macroeconomic growth drivers as sustainability, connectivity and mobility. Through R&D, manufacturing, engineering, quality, sales and marketing, we generate the essential components that enable inventors and innovators to create new generations of products—ones that span many sectors: automotive, industrial, consumer, computer, telecommunications, military, aerospace, and medical. Together with the manufacturers of today and tomorrow’s most compelling electronic innovations, names you know, we are enabling next level automation in factories, the electrification of the automobile, 5G network technology, and the rapid expansion of connectivity across everything (IoT) to highlight a few areas of strong growth. Vishay has been an ECIA member for 27 years. ECIA thanks the Vishay team for the years of support. Contact Info: Electronic Components Industry Association 310 Maxwell Road, Suite 200, Alpharetta, GA 30009 678.393.9990