CONTACT: Jennifer Read 678-393-9990 [email protected]
July 26, 2022
ECIA's EIA Standards Committee Congratulates Recipients of IEC 1906 Awards
Atlanta— ECIA, as the Technical Administrator of 13 US Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), is pleased to announce that four individuals from within its US TAGs have been awarded the 2022 IEC 1906 Award. This prestigious recognition has been awarded to: In IEC Technical Committee 110 Electronic Displays: Brian Berkeley of Highlight Display, and John Penczek of Luminex Technologies. In IEC Technical Committee 49 Piezoelectric, dielectric, and electrostatic devices and associated materials for frequency control, selection, and detection: Gary R. Johnson a consultant, and Donald C. Malocha of University of Central Florida. “Every year, the IEC honors the commitment and hard work of individuals who, through their leadership and technical expertise, have contributed to making products and electrical systems safer, more efficient, and more reliable,” explained Edward Mikoski, ECIA Vice President of Standards and Technology. “ECIA congratulates these dedicated individuals for receiving this prestigious award and for their tireless efforts developing the behind-the-scenes engineering most critical to the advancement of the digital age.” The 1906 Award recognizes exceptional recent individual achievements - a project or other specific contribution - which helped advance IEC activities in a significant way. Founded in 1906, the IEC based out of Geneva, Switzerland is the world’s leading organization for the preparation and publication of international standards for all electrical, electronic, and related technologies. These are known collectively as “electrotechnology”. IEC comprises 173 participating nations through their IEC National Committees. There are 213 Technical Committees and Subcommittees containing over 1590 Working Groups with 20,000 participating experts.
About ECIA
The Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA) is made up of the leading electronic component manufacturers, their manufacturer representatives and authorized distributors. ECIA members share a common goal of promoting and improving the business environment for the authorized sale of electronic components. Comprised of a broad array of leaders and professionals representing all phases of the electronics components supply chain, ECIA is where business optimization, product authentication and industry advocacy come together. ECIA members develop industry guidelines and technical standards, as well as generate critical business intelligence. For more information, visit or call 678-393-9990.