![]() March 23, 2022 ECIA Newsletter
ECIA Executive Conference Sponsorships AvailableThe ECIA Executive Conference is a senior management level conference for the electronics industry's leading companies - representing the entire supply chain. The dates for the 2022 Executive Conference event are October 23-25 at the Loews Chicago O'Hare Hotel. Sponsorships are still available! Here are a few sponsorship opportunities available:
See the list of sponsors and get more information. Register to attend the conference. Webinar: Global Industry Practices Committee (GIPC) Update
Thursday | March 14 | 4 pm ET | Register Now The Global Industry Practices Committee will hold an update hosted by Don Elario, committee members and the SME (Subject Matter Expert) resource pool members. The Committee will report on continuing initiatives being worked on in 2022. ECIA members and non-members are welcome to join, learn and submit ideas and suggestions. Webinar: Winning the War for Talent - Part 2
Wednesday | April 20 | 3 pm ET | Register Now ECIA is partnering with the Association Education Alliance to bring you this webinar! The war for talent is escalating. Some organizations are ill-prepared to handle the challenges of an increasingly complex labor market, shackled by the “we’ve always done it this way” mentality. Others are thriving, armed with analytical insights and surrounded by allies, allowing them to snap up highly performing “impact players” and supercharge their growth. Join this session to learn more. Remember to select ECIA in the drop down at registration. ECIA Research and AnalysisECIA offers its members insight into the industry and a variety of market trends information. Members can log into the website and visit the Stats & Insights page to access an increasing number of statistical reports. Some are available to the public, some to members and others are only accessible to those who participate in the survey. New Reports Available:
Visit the stats and insights page for information on these reports. ECIA and Flip Electronics Host TrustBridge Cybersecurity WorkshopsECIA is pleased to present a series of in-person workshops April 22nd & 28th, on Cyber Data Breaches: How to manage them and mitigate risk. TrustBridge, a renowned Cyber and Data privacy company, has teamed up with Womble Bond Dickinson to offer practical workshops that allow CEOs/CTOs and other senior managers to evaluate their cyber risk and approach. These workshops provide practical steps toward data protection, regulation alignment at a time when various US states are introducing new data protection and privacy regulations. For more information, download the workshop brochure and register for the events in Atlanta or Fairfax. Where will you be in just over 6 weeks? We hope to see you at EDS!EDS 2022 |MAY 10–MAY 13, 2022 | Mirage Las Vegas The discounted room rate at the Mirage ends on April 4, 2022 and early registration for EDS 2022 closes on April 8, 2022, at which time the price for Non Member Attendees goes up from $199 to $250, so register soon! If you are already registered, please make sure you have ordered a badge for yourself – badges can be picked up in the Registration area outside the Grand Ballrooms and are required for entry to all EDS venues and events. If you are a Rep or Distributor and you used the online registration system – you are all set. If you are a Manufacturer, Service Provider, Authorized Provider, Press or Affiliate, please check your company’s record to confirm that all attending staff are listed. Instructions for accessing your company record are in your confirmation email. Please remember that badges will not be mailed out this year and lost badges will incur a $50 reprint fee. Member of the WeekWe are pleased to announce Waldom Electronics as ECIA's Member of the Week! WALDOM ELECTRONICS, INC. is a global, world-class master e-commerce distributor/wholesaler of electronic and electrical components (www.waldom.com) with sales offices and global distribution centers located throughout in North America, Europe, and Asia offering “Best-in-Class” inventory solutions, sales, delivery, quality and customer service. Being an integral part of the electronic industry channel network, Waldom provides value to suppliers with Slow-Moving & Excess (SM&E) inventory programs while “Protecting Your Brand” being of the utmost importance. Waldom provides channel partners with integrated inventory feeds & SM&E solutions to assist with uninterrupted supply-chain with longtail and long lead-time part numbers. This enables both Suppliers and Channel Partners to focus on aligning and optimizing their respective ROI inventory strategies. Their $350M+ available inventory position reaches over 2,500 customers globally, offering 250,000+ in-stock part numbers from over 40 plus premier electronic industry brands such as TE Connectivity, Molex, Panasonic, ABB, Omron and more… As a proud and active member for over 38 years, ECIA thanks Rick Rejnert and the rest of the Waldom team for the years of support and more to come.Contact Info: Electronic Components Industry Association