CONTACT: Jennifer Read February 4, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
ECIA Names Tobi Cornell Co-Chair of 2022 Executive Conference Committee ATLANTA – ECIA is pleased to announce that Tobi J. Cornell, VP Distribution ~ Outside Sales DFW, Kruvand Associates, Inc. has accepted the role of co-chair for the 2022 Executive Conference. Tobi is very active in the ECIA. She serves on the Design Registration Committee within the Global Industry Practices Committee, and she has been on the Executive Conference Planning Committee for the past two years. “I am so excited and honored to serve as Co-chair for the ECIA 2022 Executive Conference in October alongside Conference Chair, Robert Derringer. I’ve been part of the planning committee for the Conference these past two years as we have been challenged to meet in person due to the pandemic, so to participate as Co-chair for the 2022 conference event is such a thrill for me. I can’t wait to see everyone in Chicago in October…we have so much to discuss, learn, and share with each other. Being able to do this face-to-face with the members of our industry will be the very best part!” “For two years, Tobi and the rest of the Executive Committee, have met faithfully to plan the theme and content of this event,” commented ECIA Sr. Vice President Victor Meijers. “They have spent hours identifying speakers, watching speaker YouTube videos, and so forth – only to have the event cancelled. Twice. We are very grateful that Tobi has remained enthusiastic for this important industry event, and - fingers crossed, third time’s the charm - this will be the year for an in-person event in Chicago.” "Tobi brings experience, creativity and a great deal of support to ECIA and the entire committee," added Stephanie Tierney, ECIA Director of Marketing Communications and Member Engagement. "We are so grateful that Tobi is returning on the committee and will help lead us in decision making as we plan for an in-person conference." The ECIA Executive Conference will take place Sunday, October 23, 2022 - Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at the Loews Chicago O'Hare Hotel, Rosemont, Illinois. Watch for more information in coming weeks. About ECIA |