CONTACT: Jennifer Read February 22, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
ECIA Publishes Design Registration Phase 2 Document Atlanta – ECIA’s Global Industry Practices Committee (GIPC) has taken on the task of modernizing the channel’s design registration (“d-reg”) process. Assembling a group of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and industry stakeholders representing the entire component channel including semiconductors, electromechanical and passives, the group has designed a multi-phase initiative to assess the current state and desired-future state of the d-reg process across the channel. Don Elario, ECIA Vice President of Industry Practices has been spearheading the project. “This initiative was proposed by ECIA’s Manufacturers’ Council and supported by ERA, GEDA, and ECIA’s Distributor and Manufacturer Rep Councils,” Elario explained. “We have now published the Phase 2 document, which includes a Desired-Future State model and the results of research conducted with technology companies who provide tools to manage the d-reg process.” The document presents a high-level diagram of the desired-future state model developed through a practical process of brainwriting and refining the group’s ideas. The model lists key attributes of the desired future state d-reg program, which were then used to research potential technology solutions companies on their alignment with the model, as well as the current state of their products and services. “Industry engagement has been high and the work groups have delivered detailed data and information on the current state of d-reg in the industry and now provided guidance on a desired-future state model while influencing the development of products and services from engaged technology companies," Elario continued. “I am very grateful to the SMEs for their tireless work on this project." In Phase 3 ECIA will be working with companies interested in partnering with some of the solution providers to develop a POC (Proof of Concept) and outline ways to automate and implement the findings from Phase 2. The document can be accessed here: Issues & Practices For more information about this important initiative, please contact Don Elario at [email protected]. About ECIA |